What Is Solved?
An online learning platform, focused on helping primary aged children to approach maths with confidence, a growth mindset and to have fun doing so.
Doing this will improve confidence, reduce fear, increase working memory and most importantly improve your child's wellbeing.
We use current research and community interactions to ensure we focus our service on what is needed and wanted by the people we serve. We aim to provide a cost effective solution by building a one tutor, one community model aligned on strong moral values.
We care deeply about providing a service which helps both children and families make a difference for long term, sustainable growth.
We have listened to many, hear you loud and clear and together we will solve one educational issue at a time. Everything we do will be centred around our key value drivers: Wellbeing, Learning, Community and Equality.

Everything we do will be centred around our key values:
Wellbeing, Learning, Community and Equality.
We use current research and community interactions to ensure we focus our service on what is needed and wanted by the people we serve.
We aim to provide a cost effective solution by building a one tutor, one community model aligned on strong moral values.
We care deeply about providing a service which helps both children and families make a difference for long term, sustainable growth.
We have listened to many, hear you loud and clear and together we will solve one educational issue at a time.
A World Class Digital Learning Tool That Empowers Primary School Children To Overcome Fear And Anxiety Around Maths With A Confident, Joyful And Positive Mindset
Weekly Live Lessons
Lessons, but not as you know them. High energy, highly engaging and a ton of fun, all delivered by Matt. He will enable your child to make small sequential steps in learning, all designed using mathematics mastery.
Every lesson will focus on high levels of enjoyment and improving wellbeing by having fun. Who knew maths could be fun?
Write your awesome label here.
Practice Quizzes And Feedback.
All designed with wellbeing in mind. No timers allowed! This is all about learning improvement, not assessment. Feedback will be provided and children can repeat as many times as they like.
There will be quizzes for each lesson and also two courses for times tables facts and number fluency. All of these elements combined will ensure your child makes, deep, sustained improvement.
Write your awesome label here.
Parent Workshops And Resources.
Once a month, parents will get the opportunity to come to dedicated parent support sessions with Matt, focused on helping you to continue the learning journey at home (in a simple, fun and engaging way of course).
Free resources will also be available. We truly care about our community and helping you is at the heart of everything we do.
Write your awesome label here.
We care about equality and the power of a community. Should you want support or have any questions please ask. You may even have an idea you want to share; we are always here to listen.
Write your awesome label here.